Lakritz Boys circa 1968
Si and Mimi Lakritz circa 1989
Si and Mimi Lakritz circa 1956
Simon Lakritz Portrait
Lakritz Family at Los Angeles Chinatown circa 1972

Family Heirlooms
Family Heirlooms

Lakritz Family and the Arts

Many members of the Lakritz family are interested in and are praeticing artists. Mimi had a passion for the visual arts and classical music. She painted, did needlepoint, embroidery, and she loved to play the piano. She served as a board member of the Kings County Art League, was the president of the board, and played an instrumental role in helping create the Kings Art Center. Here is a brief look at a few heirlooms of her work.

Reason to Life - Mike - Simply Messing About in Boats

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