Brad Lakritz
Media and communication professional specializing in multimedia/video/internet, technology, and education
My employment goal is to work in a positive and creative media environment with a team of professionals on a mission.
Professional Experience
Management Experience
Production Management
Served on three person management team for San Francisco division of nationwide company providing television and radio news retrieval service to Public Relations, Marketing, Advertising and major business clients. Managed production department with an annual budget of over $250,000.00. Production coordination included hiring, training, supervising, promoting, firing, and all aspects of management for 24 hour/day, 7 day/week audio and video production operation with 18 staff members in 4 Northern California cities.
Executive Producer grangeville and easy productions feature length documentaries.
Executive Producer Topaz Presents and short and feature length documentaries.
School and Organization Management Teams
Academic Affairs Committee
Administrative Council
Administrative Team
Management Team
Coordinator, Educational Resource Team
Coordinator, Web Site Team
School Services Team
Marketing Team
Technology Leadership Team
Technology Team
Media Services
Media resource center coordination: acquisition, promotion, and distribution of educational media materials to affiliated and other public, private, and parochial schools throughout the Northwest. Thousands of materials distributed annually and viewed by tens of thousands of students and faculty.
Network Systems
Manage multiple T1 and Optiman lines with fiber optic network linking multiple buildings on different school campuses. Meraki cloud management of wireless network, VMWare, NT/2000 and Apple Share IP and Mac OSX servers providing database and files services, web and E-mail services, back-up systems, digital media storage. Manage the purchase and maintenance of more than 250 computers each year including 1:1 iPads, student labs and laptop computers, staff laptops and other specialty computers for high multimedia production (including Final Cut Pro and Pro Tools).
Research, develop, and produce online educational services
Jewish Education OnlineConceived, created, and managed the Jewish Education Online web site provided resources for educators via the Internet. (See: Bureau of Jewish Education of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties. See also: Guide to Selected Jewish Online Resources.)Bay Area Jewish Educator's Online Forum
Conceived, created, and managed the Internet-based discussion group for Bay Area Jewish educators. (1996 - 1998)Research and develop technology-based curriculum projects
Jewish Web ProjectThe Jewish Web Project is an innovative approach to education. The project encourages students, teachers, and families to engage in Jewish learning opportunities. Through new technologies of the Internet the project is a forum for the display and discussion of Internet-based work created by students, educators, schools, lay leadership, and other community members.Family History Video Project
Author and Coordinator (1988-98) including: $40,000.00 seed grant proposal; curriculum development; teacher training; parent volunteer program; purchase, maintenance, and distribution of video equipment and tape supplies; coordinate video editing and screenings; and program innovation through new technology applications. Nearly 4,000 students and their families have participated in this project throughout North America.The Family History Video Project received a two-year, $70,000.00 grant from the Righteous Persons Foundation in 1997. Working with the Jewish Family Education Project and a matching $70,000.00 gift from the Maisin Foundation, this grant is helping to expand professional development, family interaction, and to explore the use of new media in documenting and presenting family history.
Heritage: Civilization and the Jews
Consultant to WNET-TV New York for educational guide to accompany new release of Heritage: Civilization and the Jews DVD and video.
Research, design, and present staff development programs.
Coordinate annual Bay Area Jewish Educator's Conference (600+ participants) 1995 - 1997.Institute for Technology in Jewish Education series of seminars for educators to learn about technology in the classroom 1996 - 1998.
Teaching and Learning About Israel Online (an online course for educators in 1998).
Lunch and Learn staff development seminars 1998 - present.
Writer, Editor, and Publisher
Communicate Your Ideas (Blog)
iLearning BlogYouTube Channel
Film, video, audio, and computer-based media productionExperienced professional photography
Experienced audio and video producer
(See also: Publications and Media)
Board/Staff interaction, learning, and development
Technology Leadership Team 2013 - 2014
Board IT Committee 2014Coordinated BJE Board Media Resource committee 1987 - 1993
Coordinated BJE Board Educational Resources committee 1996 - 1998
Staff coordinator for Marin Academy School Technology committee 1998 - 1999
Responsible for Technology Plan and Annual Improvement Plans 1998 - 2001
Coordinate technology-focused faculty professional development programs 1998 - Present| Education | Employment History | Membership Organizations | Professional Experience | Publications and Media |
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